There’s no aggression, only the male trying to show off the nest. And yes, there’s a few pieces of bubble wrap because the male was struggling to make a big nest like he wanted. He’s finally chosen his spot now.

Posted by Ziggee281200


  1. hi betta breeder here you seem to have a perfect set up i reccomend adding botanicals so they feel safer
    or you can just turn off the light but your set up is good overall :]

  2. I mean no offense, but why exactly are you breeding bettas? Your heater positioning & past posts lead me to believe you’re new to the hobby and are probably not ready to breed bettas.

    Do you have dozens of containers, each properly heated, to house the bettas once they grow a bit older and need their own space? Do you have customers lined up to buy them?

    Unless these bettas are quality imports or purchased from a good breeder, they’re inbred and many of their offsprings will be unwanted or downright unable to live a proper life due to genetic defects.

    Bringing life into this world, especially sentient animals like bettas, comes with a lot of responsibility. Make sure you’re actually up to the task and have done proper planning.

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