I noticed it recently (couple of weeks ago), it appears to be brown powder like deposit under the substrate. And taking a closer look shows some mite/lice kind of living organisms crawling along the area. They never come out of substrate.

Help me to identify what these are and how to get rid of them.

There are some Blue Green Algae (BGA – Cyanobacteria) between the substrate and glass wall developed at first, after which I'm seeing these.

Attached full video of the tank in the comment.

Posted by imgowtham


  1. LubricatedSpaceMan on

    Scuds. Harmless but invasive.

    Almost impossible to get rid of them unless you restart your tank and sanitize it.

  2. They live of the dirt and grime, theyre harmless,
    If you have small hunting fish will eat them if they get the chance.

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