Hi all, unfortunatly my Sturisoma Aureum died today. She has been in my tank for 2 weeks. Saturday I noticed she had a red marking on her lips but can’t find anything online, could someone tell me what this is?
An hour ago she was eating and doing her thing, went for groceries and now my shrimp are feasting on her..

My parameters are good, I regularly test with strips and some times at my LFS.
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Hardness 25
TA 40
KH 40
PH 7
The Tank is 60L and started 2 months ago, I’m doing weekly waterchanges of around 30/40%
The temp is in the aquarium is 24 and raises sometimes when the room temperature raises but never higher than 27.( summer and living in a small apartment )

1st picture with the red marking was taken Saturday, last picture just now.

What can I improve or do before I get a new one? My 3 platy are doing fine

Posted by ags_specs

1 Comment

  1. I had a case similar to this when a customer came to my store with a dead betta. Poor girl had red lips and red gills. She claimed it was ammonia poisoning which i dug into and didn’t find any clear connection. If I had to guess, probably bad breeder. I work in britian and pet stores are plauged with them right now.

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