My Male Veiltail Betta Fish has been acting odd lately. As of right now, he looks like this, (which he didn't prior to me and my family moving to a different state) but he was acting normal. Up until now, he has been sitting nearly lifeless at the bottom of the tank(if he's at the top, he doesn't move at all). If I lift it up, he just temporarily springs up before floating back up to the top a couple seconds later. He refuses to eat as well, had to clean the bowl
I should mention we are not able to get a tank as my family is not very financially stable for these things
Here is a picture
Does anyone know what is wrong? 😞

Posted by Star80stuffz


  1. Any-Canary-7976 on

    If you’re unable to get a tank I would really advise you to return this fish to where you got it or to surrender it to someone willing to take it in/ a fish rescue. He will inevitably die in this cup because he is unable to receive the adequate care he needs no matter how hard you’re trying. He NEEDS a filter, heater, 5 gallons and correct water parameters in order to live, please do the best by him and give him away. I understand that it’s hard when you’re struggling financially but this fish should not be suffering because you can’t afford him.

  2. If you can’t afford a tank then you can’t keep this fish. A bowl+ no filter+ no heater = animal abuse. He’s not eating because he’s suffering. Please consider rehoming him.

  3. Is he living in that cup? That’s the equivalent of a human living in a walk-in closet. you need to spring 50 bucks to get a 5 gallon starter kit and a heater from Walmart. You can probably get a used setup for less on marketplace 

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