Can you identify this growth on my Betta?

Posted by Ok-Comparison5215

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  1. Ok-Comparison5215 on

    I recently purchased a Betta a few weeks ago and a 2 gallon temporary tank for him. (I am aware that it is too small but I wanted something cheap from the store until my Fluval five gallon arrived which is now set up next to him ready for transfer, and i felt it was better than the cup the poor guy was in when I bought him. I monitor his temperature which stays at 25.5. I do a half water change every weekend with RO water, and use test strips for water quality. Nitrates have not moved above zero, and all other parameters stay within good ranges with exception to hardness which was slightly high this last check. I might assume this is due to the additives though. Last week I noticed two small growths at the bottom of his fin. If you look the close photo you can see a small amount of red where a white fibrous item is attached which has a green tip. After spending a few hours online, I could not find something I felt was an exact match. My best guess was maybe something parasitic or fungal? I settled on methylene blue as a possible solution and measured out the dose as detailed on the bottle. The next day one of the two of them fell off, but it has been a week and no change to the other. Now I am unsure if that was a coincidence or I was on the right track. Can anyone identify this item so I can ensure I am not unduly stressing him with treatments? So far he has not shown any signs of discomfort and is quite active. Always patrolling his tank and heading towards any movement he sees near his tank. Thanks for the help!

    * **Tank size**: 2GAL
    * **Heater and filter? (yes/no)**: YES
    * **Tank temperature**:25.5
    * [Parameters in numbers and how you got them]( NO3 – 0, NO2 – 0, CI2 – 0, GH – 75, KH – 120, pH – 7.2 (From Test strips)
    * **How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?**: 4 weeks
    * **How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?**: Weekly, 50% via Vacuum.
    * **Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each**: No Tank Mates
    * **What do you feed and how much**: Frozen Blood worm, Freeze Dried Blood worm, Bug Bites, Betta Pellets, on rotation, mostly Betta pellets/Bug Bites.
    * **Decorations and plants in the tank**: Betta Log, Hammock, multiple artificial plants to provide cover.

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