I've found differing opinions on the internet!

Caught a few small brookies today and I was wondering if anyone has eaten their roe/eggs like caviar. To the best of my understanding freshwater fish should never be eaten raw (duh…) but sturgeon eggs are a delicacy.. sooo…

Has anyone eaten these? How do you prepare them?

Hopefully the minks I saw along the river enjoyed them as I tossed em back.

Thanks in advance!

Posted by willo132


  1. Position_Extreme on

    Yeah, I just had a wonderful savory creme brulee in San Fran that was topped with trout roe, but I can’t tell you how the roe was prepped.

  2. Man I don’t really keep trout to eat but catching my limit on brooks and cooking over a fire in the backcountry was some of the best fish I’ve ever had

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