Hey so big storm last week, now the surf is super shallow out a really good ways. I basically have to go cast out past where the sand ends in the pic, correct?

Posted by sirnutzaIot


  1. Bleepitybleepinbleep on

    Yes, casting into the water greatly increases your chances of catching a fish, would not recommend casting into the sand

  2. Possibly, depends on how deep that slough is between the shore and the bar. If it’s deep, then that slough could certainly be productive. Not sure which tide this picture was made in, but if it’s low tide I’m marking that spot to fish when the tide comes in.

    Another good area might be to follow that slough until you find where the water drains back out around the bar.

    Just be careful wading out to the bars. I’ve done that many times, but you want to be wary of the incoming tide and not have trouble getting back in.

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