I still didn’t catch anything lol.

Posted by bellsbliss


  1. I’m going to try a live meal worm on a hook next time I go out. The worm hate has driven me to absolute sacrilege

  2. ghetto_headache on

    I have a buddy who says a mop fly is sacrilege because you’re tapping into the dark suppressed memories of a stocked fish lol. He’s joking of course, but won’t fish them. I kinda wanna try one.

  3. Archimedes_Redux on

    My granddad always said worm fishermen do not get into heaven. This is so close to using the red coffee can full of worms, that I can’t bear to do it. Never tied one on, never will. RIP gramps, the best fly fisherman I ever knew.

  4. Newbie here – which is a bigger hit to your Bushido, this, or roe flies?

    I inherited a large collection of vintage flies with like a whole selection of roe flies and the guy at the counter told me that “real” fishermen don’t use ’em (lmao).

    I’ve caught like 5 fish on fly so I don’t think there’s any Bushido there to besmirch.

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