I posted on here a week or two ago about my betta who'd been lethargic for quite a while and as a conclusion I thought he was just an old man but here he is today, his personality is fully back after spending 2 weeks laying on the sand!
I added aquarium salt to his water, got some botanicals and a backing to the aquarium to reduce stress, but what I think helped the most was adding some other animals in the tank. I put a handful of cherry shrimp in, and 4 panda corys, that really seemed to cheer him up or at least give him more energy. His colours are a lot more vibrant and he spends a lot of his time swimming around. He's also found himself a new home amongst the plants so he no longer rests on the floor but on the leaves. All of this to say, if it ever looks like your betta is getting old and lethargic I would highly encourage you to try and give him some enrichment (to whatever extent your fish can handle). I genuinely think he'd be close to passing away if I'd just accepted his time was due and left him be.


Posted by FormNo8111

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