My office nano tank

Posted by justins_days_off

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  1. justins_days_off on

    This small shoal of Danio margaritatus (celestial pearl danios) has since been given to a friend and rehomed into a 20-gallon tank. You will hear lots of varying opinions on the internet on this, but the conclusion I came to as my fish matured to full size was that full-grown celestial pearl danios should have more space. As juveniles, the tank was great for them, and I even found fry one morning as they matured (twice, actually). Could these fish have lived long and healthy lives in my 5.5 gallon? Maybe. Honestly, probably. But I couldn’t help feeling they would be happier in a larger world. That’s my feeling, at least now.

    Glass: ADA mini M | Light: Chihiros C II RGB LED Light | Substrate: ADA Amazonia, ADA powersand | Filtration: Zoo Med Nano 10 Canister | Liquid Ferts: Easy Green All-in-One Fertilizer | 7-hour photoperiod (30-minute ramp up) | CO2 1-2 bubbles per second, and 1-2 water changes weekly | Animals: Danio margaritatus, Neocaridina davidi | Plants: Hemianthus callitricoides, Staurogyne repens, Rotala rotundifolia ‘green’, Rotala species ‘vietnam’

    You can find me on Instagram with the same name. I post aquarium stuff for fun, but I am grateful to provide anyone with content they may enjoy, even if just one person. Check it out if it sounds like your cup of tea. Or don’t. I appreciate that you’ve already looked at my tank and read this. Have a great day.

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