I've just restarted my tank after some plagues of fish septicemia and alges.
I've 30x60x40 cm aquarium.
For now its 2 days old

RO water

9l of tropica aquarium soil

Limnophila sessiliflora
Bucephalandra sp. "Brownie"
Anubias sp. "Pangolino"
Hygrophila sp. "Tiger"
Micranthemum sp. "Monte Carlo"
Ludwiga sphaerocarpa "Pilosa"
Alternanthera reineckii "Rosanervig"
Eleocharis parvula "Mini"
Ammania sp. "Bonsai"
Pogestemon helferi
Java moss

I want to plant Staurogyne repens but I cannot find it in my local shop so I need to wait.

2x 10W LED tubes "plant" + 1x 7w LED tube

CO2 system (for now I don't have co2 computer but plan to buy one)

Tetra ex1000 filter.

What do you think?

Will you add/change something?

I will update when plants will grow

Posted by Arrgonek

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