Are these pothos roots clean enough to go in the tank?

Posted by One_Sell_8793


  1. I might just be paranoid about outside fertilizers and the dirt but I’ve already spent 25 minutes cleaning these and I’m hoping I can just be done. Or do they need to be pure white before they go in?

  2. Vivid_Vermicelli9639 on

    I would say yes
    I have pothos in two of my tanks. One I started in the HoB filter and the other I just sat in the back corner and let stems and leaves hang over the side. Now I will say that most of the pieces I had were just cuttings . The only one with roots was the one I put in the HoB, and I just made sure to get all the solid dirt off and rinsed them once and stuck the roots in the HoB and let the plant do it’s own thing. That was 3 years ago and it’s grown like crazy and never had tank troubles/ die offs. Also. The HoB has charcoal, so if chemicals were gonna be an issue (which I highly doubt) I belive the charcoal filtered that.

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