I'm not sure if I need a size 4.0(1.6mm) 4.5, 5.5??
I'm looking to order the Fuji micro spinning top

Posted by Stormsheperd126


  1. Well. You have the measurement. Convert 1/16” to mm… I could tell you, but do your own work and you may learn something.

  2. Id bring it into a tackle shop, they usually have a tackle box full of different sizes and will glue it back on for you for 5-10$ total

  3. heythanksimadeit on

    Looks like 5/32″, ur using an imperial tape measure to measure metric, btw. Get some cheapo calipers if it is critical to get those decimal places accurately, but 5/32″ is 3.9688mm so the 4mm will be fine since rods are tapered slightly.

  4. SaltyKayakAdventures on

    It doesn’t matter if you go a little over. You can put a wrap or two of 1/8″ wide masking tape to make up the difference.

    A number 5 would be 5/64 of an inch 5.5 would be 5.5/64″, etc.

    You should be measuring with calipers. Even then, the guides aren’t always exact, and you also need to measure at the bottom of where the guide sits, not at the tip of the blank.

    I would probably order a 5.5 or even 6 and tape if needed.

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