I noticed one of my og kuhli loaches swimming slowly across the tank, which caught my attention for obvious reasons. I watched him wander slowly around in circles a few times until he stopped at the surface. His tail was twitching a bit, but he was just floating there exactly like in the pic. I moved the plant around that he was hanging on, but he didn’t move until about 15 min later when he swam to the back of the tank and rested at the bottom corner in a cluster of plants. I immediately checked water parameters, which showed 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates(heavily planted), 60 Kh, and 50 GH.. no other fish are showing any signs of illness. I’m wondering if anyone had experienced anything similar with their kuhlis and perhaps it’s a weird but normal loach thing… or if anyone knows of any illnesses that could cause this behavior that I should keep an eye out for my other fish..

Posted by Affectionate-Soup166


  1. jelly_bean_gangbang on

    Poor little guy 🙁 now I’m no expert with this species, but if it hasn’t been doing this for a long time or if it started doing this all of a sudden it could be swim bladder issues. Best thing IMO would be to isolate it and don’t feed for 2-3 days to see if that helps.

    If it is something bacterial/fungal/parasitic though I’m not sure about that. Maybe try searching for medicines for khulis and go from there. You could also try a combination of the 2, isolate/no feeding and medicate.

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