Before & After of one of my tanks (29 gallon.) I had a tank for over 5 years before I “got into the hobby for real.” This tank has seen so many upgrades and changes from my days of just discovering aquascaping, through my high tech journey adding CO2, discovering algae and how to balance the equation, and now not only focusing on plants, but turning it into a peaceful community tank with emergent plants and a second tank beneath.

First photo is a little over two years prior to the second photo, which I just took today, after a large trim and removal of some plants. Excited for it to grow out again! Will post a link with some progress pics over that time.

Show me your big before and afters, and share what that tank taught you!

Posted by Jaccasnacc

1 Comment

  1. [Here]( is a link to some photos I took over the last two years of the tank.

    Which one was your favorite? I loved the large wood piece I found on a hike & anubias scape, but the wood began to break down after a year and cause algae issues for my snow growers like the anubias. Boy do I miss those Anubias flowers! The anubias has been divided up and moved to low tech tanks where BBA is not a concern. I also loved the Amazon sword sending pups and flowers out of the tank, but it was too large for the setup. Happy to say it’s now living in a local hobbyists large tank!

    What should I try next? Mostly rocking a Dutch scape and trying to diversify my plant list.

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