My buddy caught this 6 pound brut, but we've been back and forth on whether it's a largemouth, smallmouth or spotted bass.

I say it's spotted based on the mouth proximity to the eye and lack of vertical striping.

He thinks it's a smallie based on other features.


Posted by BrewMaster730


  1. ch59ep15DriverDown on

    It’s a Large mouth, smallie are brown and striped they don’t have a mouth like that. Spotteds are lighter and have a big black spotted stripe down the side in the center.

  2. Largemouth. Smallies and spots look quite a bit different once you’ve caught a few. They both have much smaller mouths which don’t extend past the eye, not to mention the differences in color and pattern.

  3. large mouth. while it is bad to gauge this when the mouth is open it is still possible, but his jaw very visibly passes the eye, it also has no spots, and its definitely not a small mouth. that leaves one option: Large Mouth Bass. and a pig at that, nice fish!

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