My 1 year old betta is looking rough lately, and I just noticed his tail is partly gone. He is in a 20 gallon long, heated, cycled, heavily planted with CO2 tank. I just tested the parameters and his ammonia is 0, nitrites are 0, and nitrates are 0 (is this a problem? My understanding is it’s likely due to the plants). Tank mates are cherry shrimp and a rabbit snail.

I’m planning to put him in a hospital tank with aquarium salt. I’m just not sure how to help him. He is still eating but he’s been less active lately.

The tank is also experiencing a hair algae bloom. I’m not sure if that’s relevant or contributing to any issues.

Any advice is so appreciated.

Posted by agressivewaffles


  1. Is there something that may have snagged part of his tail off? If not, it could likely be a case of fin rot. I would maybe put him in a hospital tank and research more about treating fin rot.

    I hope your buddy gets better soon! <3

  2. Add tannins & aq salt. Natural antibiotics/antifungal & will help prevent infection. Otherwise just keep an eye on it, if it worsens try a broad spectrum antibiotic like kanaplex. If your params are good he should heal up just fine!

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