Say hello to Mao, he came all the way from Thailand. Is he considered "super rare?" He was sold to me as a super rare. Website said something like 1 out of 10000 betta are this coloration. Just want to get some clarification.

Ps don't mind the water stains 😜

Posted by jonjeff108

1 Comment

  1. Pitiful-Ostrich8949 on

    Honestly I think there’s so many different color combinations in betta that there isn’t really a rare coloration per say, but more like the TYPE they are. For example a crossbreed between rosetail and alien type would be rare to me personally. Or like a cellophane type.

    I’m no expert though so someone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong! He’s beautiful regardless, I definitely don’t see a lot of pure white/red with no other colors so he is certainly special!

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