This is Comet. He’s been an amazing little guy for the 4ish months that I’ve had him, and he was a great dad to my current spawn. Today I went for my daily check of the fish and he was fine, but when I went to check him before bed, I noticed his face looking a little weird. Raised scales that look damaged. Other than that, he’s perfectly fine and his usual self.

I’m struggling to figure out what it is (I’ve dealt with many diseases on fish including columnaris and all the usuals). Is it possible that it’s just a wound of some sort?

I’m hesitant to medicate unless I’m sure what I’m dealing with.

Posted by blackismyfavcolor13

1 Comment

  1. Old_Locksmith3242 on

    How strange, my first guess is injury but I don’t usually see raised scales on an injury, could he possibly have some sort of infection? Personally I usually like to be extra safe, I would set up a small hospital tank (all artificial unfortunately because methylene blue kills plants and beneficial bacteria) stained very light blue with methylene blue, or methylene blue dips, but frankly I’m not an expert so maybe wait until someone with more knowledge comes around.

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