Hello! I’m new to keeping a Betta, I’ve read the fact sheet and I’m still trying to figure out if I’m doing something wrong or what is happening. My beta is spending the majority of her time at the top of the tank. I know they sleep but could something be wrong?! I put the proper water conditioner in, filtered the tank for 24hrs, I have a filter, and the water is at 78 degrees. Thoughts?! Could the filter be too strong? I got a top fin beta fish tank. I worry it could be the current. I took a video and put some food in so yall could see the current and see where she is at. Any tips are much appreciated!


Posted by Jabber_Jaws_98


  1. dildodestiny on

    You need to watch a few videos on YouTube about aquarium cycling. Even letting the water filter for 24h isn’t enough, cycling usually takes 4 to 6 weeks of rigorous water testing. Because you already have the fish in the aquarium you would do a “fish-in cycle”. I would do a small water change immediately. Your fish is at the top of the aquarium because ammonia from its waste is building up in the water which makes breathing difficult.

  2. In addition.. I’d recommend some live plants. Large leaves are good for bettas to rest on. They will also help cycle your tank & help keep your water stable. Right now, you have a lot of open space and nowhere for him to take a break or sleep.

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