How can I prevent my beta fish from eating blood worms? I have an African dwarf frog in the tank with him. I feed him daily with blood worms. My beta has been eating them (maybe like 2-4 worms per day so not a crazy amount of worms).
But my beta fish has gotten prolapse due to being constipated from the blood worms. He has it for the second time now. He recovered just fine. The first time I just didn’t feed him for a day or two. But how can I keep him from eating the blood worms to prevent the prolapse? I just want my gizmo to be the healthiest so I want to try and prevent it. Any tips? (Added a pic to boost this post)

Posted by sligeza202

1 Comment

  1. LoupGarou95 on

    Feed the frog something else if you can? Seperate the betta into something like a breeder box while you feed the frog? Permanently seperate the fish and frog into seperate tanks? It would probably be ideal to just permanently seperate the fish and the frog. If you need to feed the frog bloodworms but can’t let the fish eat bloodworms, doesn’t sound like they’re truly compatible tank mates.

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