I have a 20 long planted tank with 14 ember tetras, 4 otos, 3 pygmy corys (getting more so they can school), and 1 little SAE (LFS will take him back when he gets too big for my tank). No ammonia or nitrite, 10-20 nitrates, temp is 77F, pH is a steady 7.8. Tank is ~2.5-3 months old.

I started with 4 ember tetras and built them up until I reached the current 14 a couple weeks ago, haven't lost any yet.

This ember tetra has been hanging out alone at the side of the tank that faces my desk for at least 3-4 hours, apparently breathing heavily? (See video). There's also a tiny white patch on the belly, not sure if that's new but I hadn't noticed it on any of them before and no others seem to have it. None of the others are acting the same. I tried feeding frozen brine shrimp and blood worms the past few days just for fun, not sure if that could make a difference. A couple times, other embers came over and this fish swam off with them, only to come back.

Does this seem like normal behavior? Any advice on whether I should be concerned and, if so, what to look for? All I'm getting from Google is that it could be eggs or parasites.

Posted by SleepAwake1

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