Busted my ass for this one. Saw one earlier in the day that ate my streamer but I trout-set like a moron and missed him. I got another chance in the afternoon but with a barbless fly I lost it despite keeping good pressure on (I don’t care what anyone says, barbless flies absolutely make it harder to land fish). Thought I blew my only chances but got incredibly lucky to see another and this was the one. I saw him sitting in a logjam and drifted the streamer right by him and he nailed it. Took me to task for casting to him in tight quarters—ran me under two trees then wrapped my up in a submerged bush. I actually didn’t even end up landing the fish using my rod. I had to drop the rod and literally dive into the bush in a last-ditch effort to clear the line from the structure before he broke off. My rod ended up floating twenty yards downstream while I held the top of the fly line and tried to untangle the snag. In the process I could feel the fish bump my hand as it was still swimming around attached to the line within the bush, so I took my net and made a wild, blind swipe at where I thought the fish was and miraculously came up with it in the net.

Posted by 409yeager

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