I'm having some trouble with my aquarium. It feels like no matter what I do, it ends up looking like this in no time. I just got 10 cherry shrimp 2 weeks ago, hoping they could help with the algae problem. I'm honestly at a loss, cause it's not getting better. What am I doing wrong? I have had this aquarium since February and do frequent water changes.


Posted by cutie_cow


  1. I know it seems maybe obvious, but how long are your lights on for? Cut the lights for a few days and remove as much as possible.

    Also having a bunch more live plants will help eat up excess nutrients in the water that algae thrives on.

  2. Hydros_is_here on

    Check your nitrates, i have this problem too because i have them at 0 and this can cause algae problem, now ive added some snails to higher them nitrates up a little bit. Also you can add some fast growth plants so they can compete for nutrients with the algae

  3. HackSlashandNibbles on

    More fast growing plants for sure. But grab some more clean up crew as well. An amano shrimp and mystery snail will do more work for you than the cherry shrimp. It seems your betta might be ok with some otocinclus suckers if he’s fine with the shrimp.

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