This is a video of my betta I made a post about earlier. It seems she’s doing okay I think? But she isn’t swimming around for more than a couple seconds like this and then goes to her floating log and stays there for a lot while. I suspect she’s just swimming to get up to breathe

Posted by Homemade_Anxiety2000


  1. RefrigeratorNo3197 on

    Oh yeah that’s swim bladder, the vertical position, erratic swimming, and bloat. Get her to a hospital tank / cheap plastic tub with no flow, a heater, shallow water, salts, and no light. This will help relieve stress. I would fast for a day or so and then feed something like daphina

  2. I actually prefer not to remove a fish from the tank unless absolutely necessary, like for medication that will crash the nitrogen cycle. If you can lower the height of the water in her tank, that would help. For swim bladder, you’ll want to do Epsom salt baths to reduce bloating.

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