Hi everyone! I just got a betta after my old one sadly passing away about a year ago 🙁 I just put him in his new tank, and everything’s going well. He’s swimming around happily and inspecting everything in there — he even used his rock hide and stayed in there for a bit!

I tried to feed him for the first time a minute ago, and he couldn’t eat the bloodworms I tried feeding him. He was interested with them and would bite at them, but he was unable to actually swallow them or even get them in his mouth.

Then, I thought he may need some smaller food. I tried to give him these bug bites my past betta has loved, and he ate 2 or 3, but was unable to digest and swallow some. Is this due to his size? He’s pretty small, but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to feed him. I have a pic attached of his size for reference.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Posted by Emotional-Decision-2

1 Comment

  1. Effective-Fly-7893 on

    my girl likes to chew her food, spit it back out, then go searching for it in the substrate 😭 yours might do the same !?

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