Guppy behavior!

Hi! I’ve got 3 male cobra guppies in a semi-planted (still got more to add), cycled (0 ammonia/0 nitrites/5-10 nitrates) 29 gallon tank. It’ll eventually be a community tank but I’m just starting out with the guppies to take it slow. I had 9, but I didn’t realize til after they were all released that some had some kind of fungal infection – I’m thinking mouth rot, and I lost 6. Five throughout Wednesday, and one last night. My question is – out of my 3 survivors, two of them seem
super active and healthy and are always exploring/playing together while one seems to have clamped fins and is always staying up on the surface near the back of the tank by himself. I’m not sure why this is & what I could do to help him? He’s still an extremely good, even greedy eater & overall doesn’t show any other signs of potential illness other than the clamped fins. I’m stumped on what’s up with him :(. Only other tankmates are 4 nerite snails & 1 cherry shrimp (he’s my only survivor from my failed attempt at keeping shrimp with a betta. He’ll have friends soon.)

First pic is of my two healthy looking guys mid swim, second is of the one I’m worried about.

Posted by peacefulthought

1 Comment

  1. peacefulthought on

    Forgot to mention – I used Kanaplex to treat whatever infection they had (risky with the snails and shrimp, I know, but I was desperate – they all survived luckily!). Would that have a behavioral effect? I just put stress coat+ in to see if it may have an effect.

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