I was planning to evacuate but was terrified of losing power when I was gone so I bought a battery powered air stone to run if the power did go out while I was gone. Well, I tried it Tuesday night then took off the pump to charge it. Left the stone in there so he would get used to its presence. I’m sure you guys can see where this is going, I am dumb and clearly didn’t. The air stone acted as a siphon over night and I woke up to an empty tank and a tank full of water on the ground and my poor boy lying on the gravel. I had no idea how long the tank would’ve been empty for. I filled a cup of water and dumped it in the tank and he was ALIVE! Filled his tank with 2/3 tap and then took the rest from my husband’s tank, conditioned the water and blasted that air stone. Spent the last few days worrying that he has to get over almost suffocating and deal with essentially a “new tank”. Anyway, I just got home and he is alive and well! I bought something to keep him alive and almost killed him with it. I feel awful but I am so thankful he is okay. Gonna make it up to him and buy him a new plant tomorrow.

Air pump instructions mentioned a check valve if I wasn’t clipping to the top of the tank. I was planning on clipping it to the top of the tank so I didn’t understand exactly why that would be important. (I do now)


Posted by ugotmeontheropes

1 Comment

  1. Equal-Association447 on

    Wow I’m so happy he’s alive! But Hey Don’t feel bad. I know what happened was scary but your heart was in the right place!! lil dude is a fighter and he’s gonna be so happy with his new plant. 🌱 you are a very caring fish parent 💚

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