Omg I’ve always been posting about how happy and healthy my betta is but todays post is a sad one 😭 Idk why Spuddles is becoming so lethargic and slanted(?) and he looks like he’s struggling to swim and even misses food when he tries to eat it (he eventually does). Been doing fasts for him here and there because he bloats easily and recently I’m not sure if he ate a shrimp or not cos he suddenly bloated but anyways he seems so lethargic and just staying at the surface and looking so sad which is making me so worried….

I checked ammonia levels before I had to rush off for work and it’s 0 😭 Idk what’s wrong and I fed him before I left but in hindsight maybe I shouldn’t have? Idk pls help 😭 Spuddles is my baby :,(

Posted by ThinDistribution2291


  1. ThinDistribution2291 on

    Also I just did a 50% water change before I left too because I thought maybe the water had issues but idk ;-;

  2. Groundbreaking-Run25 on

    This is what happened to both my bettas who ended up passing. Unfortunately one was confirmed to have dropsy & the other possiblity is a swim blatter (trapped air) that can cause the slanted body.

    Just know you did nothing wrong if these this is the case. Do what you can to treat the water & see if he will eat crushed up peas!

    Also, my theory is that bettas aren’t bred in the best conditions (could be born with heath issues from genetics) & we have limited knowledge of what could be the causes of these issues. I hope your fish starts doing better!

  3. Nitrites? Nitrates? Have you tried feeding him a frozen pea?

    He definitely looks ill. Does he stay near the top of the water? Or does he lie down in the substrate?

    In my experience once a betta starts looking like this he doesn’t have a lot of time left.

  4. Odd_Process2918 on

    Daphnia is good at helping with bloat it you can get it. I use frozen. Also I do aquarium salt baths for a few minutes a day.

  5. Your betta doesn’t appear to have dropsy, hes not pineconing from what I can see, but he does have popeye it looks like. That’s usually due to water conditions or an injury.

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