Trying to keep this as concise as possible. I got my first betta about 3 months ago and i’m just trying to take the best care of him i can. this tank is 3.5 gallons (which i know is very small) but im trying to budget to upgrade it to at least a 5 gallon. the tank was beautifully clean and he seemed very happy for around a month and then it got absolutely COVERED with algae which i’ve been fighting off for the last month or so. i did one round of algaeclear which did help a lot but it seemed to really stress him out and he even lost some color so i stopped using the treatment. then one morning he seemed to have lost a chunk of his fins overnight which was very concerning and now he’s developing some minor fin rot from what i can tell so i plan on doing some salt baths asap. what can i do to stabilize this situation and make him more comfortable? i cranked the heater up to 81 degrees and did a couple excessive deep cleanings and the tank just won’t stay clean(possibly because it’s too small.)

Posted by Reasonable_Bunch5859

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