Just found this in my experimental tank. What is this?

Posted by Petrichor-Zookeeper


  1. mr_friend_computer on

    looks like a dragon fly nymph. If it is, you probably have more than 1 – and any fish or shrimp in your tank is at risk of being predated upon..

  2. Dragonfly or damselfly nymph, will eat anything up to 2 times it’s size depending on defenses of would be prey.
    I think they’re pretty cool.
    If i ever get one on my plants i’d probably try to raise it and have it buzz around my garden if it were a local species as they’re getting rarer due to humans destroying their natural habitats and are some of my favorite animals to watch on the pond (outdoors) during summer. ^^

  3. Baby bug, probably dragonfly or damselfly (is that the one?) nymph. They can kill creatures in your tank, I think they usually get in when plants are grown outside uncovered. 

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