I Tried to Grow Lily Pads, An Ecosystem Emerged Instead (200 Day Experiment)

Whenever I went to a pet store to get food for my animals, I kept seeing these dried lily bulbs. I assumed they could be legit, but I was skeptical if they’d grow into water lilies. That’s when I created this experiment and built an entire aquarium around them. I wanted to see if they’d work. As the tank developed, I realized it could also be a nice home for many of the animals I had from other setups, like the Glowlight Danios and Yellow Shrimp. It was fantastic to observe it unfold, and I’m excited to see how it continues to develop.

DIY IKEA Aquarium Tutorial

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  1. This was probably one of the most rewarding videos I’ve done in a while. It’s been hard not to show it until now, but I’m glad I waited. Funny to think it all began with a silly experiment. I'm so excited to finally share it and I hope you all enjoy it. Have a great weekend SerpaSquad!

  2. People talk about Nymphaea zenkeri a lot, the red tiger lily, which of course I love too, but personally I really like the simple N. stellata you see in those packets. They look really nice if you cut the floating pads off. Personal taste, but it looks nice and bushy that way.

    I’ve always grown them in dirt and they do amazingly well. Funny how those mixed bulb packs at the stores come with Aponogeton and Crinum species, allegedly, but those have never sprouted for me. Lol. The pink dwarf lilies always grow for me though.

  3. Have you ever considered making long videos of your animals with chill music? As long as it didn’t disturb them. I’d watch the heck out of those. Love your channel and the care you show!

  4. Hey, could you at some point do a video about species synergy and foodweb? I primarily grow exotic plants but have recently gotten into terrariums. I want to incorporate my plants into it but I want to keep it bioactive and I'm not sure how the process works. I've watched your videos for years so thanks for all the inspiration. God be with you.

  5. Tomorrow I'm building a terrarium with my father but not ecosystem like that guy 😅 yep I still have mealworms and springtails but the rest I catch when Holy day 😅 😊

  6. What makes the leafs separate from the bulbs? I wonder if those leaves could be propagated? I've been propagating oxalis by leaf and they are called a bulb but it's an odd little rhizome, terrestrial plant of course but I also grown them in semi hydroponics with hydroton and they thrive even with periods of dryness perhaps there's aquatic oxalis

  7. Can you please make more content. I am daily looking to see if you post.
    Post one weekly! I would love to watch and see how updates are going with pond, tanks, animals, all. Keep showing what you are doing. This is my favorite channel but not enough content

  8. This is so awesome And beautiful!!! I have a crested gecko in a bioactive enclosure and I'm amazed every night at the life I see in there. I did introduce spring tails and isopods, but I've also noticed some sort of tiny centipede like insect crawling around and seen mushrooms growing.

  9. I was having a terrible time getting fully aquatic plants to thrive in my front pond. I had this exact lily from a pet store, and threw down a thin layer of substrate and tossed it in the pond, thinking it'd probably also not make it.

    The lily pads are now giant and it has taken over my pond in less than a year. It can also produce vibrant pink flowers, but they only bloom at night. Very, very pretty.

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