Ahoy! Experiencing some very strange conditions on a local stream I know very well, and wondering if any fellow trouties have theories.

Season has just opened (it’s spring here in Aus) and on a local river there is a very sudden lack of fish over about 3-4inches. Now, for some context this river usually fishes beautifully with the bulk of fish being between 6-14 (with the odd one over) inches and spread pretty evenly along the entire system. I was into them comfortably until the end of the last season. (4 months ago). It would be normal to catch a tiddler like this a few times a season, but it seems this is all there is.

As stated, I know the river quite well. I’m accustomed to the usual feeding lies, and have several seasons here under my belt watching the changes over the year. And yet, nada. Not even spooking larger fish. It’s as though they simply aren’t there. In 4 consecutive days fishing, if caught 30 odd fish… And not a single one has breached 4inches

Water is at a healthy 15c/59f, flows are a bit low, but not alarming, bug life is abundant. Any thoughts on what could be happening? It’s a puzzle I’m trying my hardest to work out.

Posted by poocandles

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