Anything thing helps on what I can improve and fix also why is my water so yellow is that healthy or should I change it.

Posted by Open-Pause-6916


  1. As to rating, I wouldn’t be entering any aquascape contests just yet. If you wanted to improve look, I would try for less free floating elements. Plants with a base and roots and a more naturalistic hide than the floating fake log.

    But you have live plants, good filtration, adequate lighting and most important, a happy and healthy fish. For myself, aquariums are a destress activity. I would never want to stress chasing a blue ribbon awarded to my tank. Just relax with a drink (my choice is always Come Zero, but you can go harder) and just let you mind drift enjoying your tank.

  2. Your tank water is probably yellow because betta logs release tannins. (Its like steeping tea bags in water).

    No need to change your water yet. 1x a week (20-30%) is ideal for a cycled tank 👌

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