My cousin got a fish and it’s 7 pm- he got introuble for getting it- I’m an adult and pregnant having contractions so I cannot leave the house right now. I can leave in the morning to go to a pet store. But how can I store the little fella until I go to get him his house. Also any recommendations for how to care for him? Also this is a beta fish no? I assume he is because of the container he is in, but I’m not very familiar, I just don’t want the fishy to die over night in the cup. It’s not my fault 🤦‍♀️ but it’s either I take him or the toilet does. At least this way my cousin can come and visit the fish.

Posted by Cowboybootsandlimes


  1. HalloweenCucumber on

    Yes, that’s a betta fish. He’ll be alright overnight in the cup as long as you’re able to go get supplies for the aquarium tomorrow and are familiar with how to do a fish-in cycle

  2. get a 5 gallon tank, no less than that. Filter and a heater. Decorate it with driftwood, live plants, and sand. That fish will be happiest in a natural tank. You’ll have to do a fish in cycle, and it takes about a month. To do this you need to get a water testing kit to test for ammonia/nitrite daily. When there’s ANY amount of ammonia or nitrate you need to do a water change since those are toxic to fish. During this cycle you need to feed once every 2-3 days to reduce amount of ammonia being produced. Keep doing this for about a month or until ammonia/nitrite read 0 for about a week. Get a liquid testing kit if you can they’re WAYYY more accurate than the strips ever will be. If you do get the strips make sure they test for ammonia too since a lot of them don’t. You’ll need to get water conditioner, a siphon for water changes, and betta food.

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