Hi guys.

I got my betta Suki as a gift for my bday. He was such so beautiful with long flowing fins. You can see my previous posts.

He got ich the next day i bought him and i cured it. Then his finrot started.

He was a happy healthy boy in his heated and filtered 3 gallon with plants. His fins started becoming worse every day. You can see my previous posts and see the progression of his finrot.

I checked the water parameters and everything is on check. I dont really know what's wrong.

I tried the aquarium salt treatment for a week. I then tried bactonil-fw for a week. Then i tried jungle fungus clear for a week. I tried methylene blue too. I am exhausted of options. I really can't afford anymore medicines at all.

College starts soon in a week and i have to leave my baby boy home and my family can only perform water changes and nothing else. They aren't concerned about 'just a fish'.

Today i noticed the white cottony growth on his top fin and i really don't know what to do. Idk what it is. Idk what to do. I am so sad. He looks sad too.

He eats his food and stuff, and swims when he sees me. But other than that, he always rests in his favourite spot on top of a big alomd leaf. I dont know what to do i really dont know i have already posted several times.


Posted by sanjnasrithiii


  1. Were you doing the treatments in a hospital tank or the main tank? If nothing is going away, I’d be concerned it’s a tank issue. Knowing parameters like ammonia etc is great, but it has very little to do with actual illnesses and fungus that may be present.

  2. Please answer the bot questions. Your tank, at a minimum, is too small to easily maintain parameters.

    I’d say you’ll need to find a knowledgable fish owner in your area to take him when you go to college.

  3. TheBallisticHipster2 on

    Concentrated Methalyne blue and salt dips in a separate vessel. When Kitch had fin rot (twice) I did the dips in his betta tub that we brought him home in. He’s doing great.

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