This is my 3rd betta fish in the past year. My 1st died from dropsy even with violent treatment. 2nd, I did a water change too fast and she couldn't handle the change. And now 3rd, I've had for a couple months now and I'm very attached to him, and now he also has dropsy. He has a lush planted 10 gallon, perms are perfect. Yet my fish keep getting sick and it's breaking my heart. No other fish I have ever owned has ever gotten sick but my bettas. For fish who can survive in ammonia bowls for years, they're quite sensitive. I'm tired of killing fish and I'm tired of having my heart broken in two. I'm going to treat my sweet Airhead with kanaplex, but I don't have hope. His gills are stuck outward and he's pineconing and plump. I gave him daphnia yesterday and he ate it but today he's awful. This only started 2 days ago when he was a little bloated and im like, okay he's constipated. Ofc it's not that. It never is JUST bloat. My poor boy. Ill miss him so much.. im so done

Posted by Own_Adhesiveness2829


  1. Sorry to hear of your bad luck with bettas 😔 I just got my first one and having close consecutive betta deaths occur is one of my biggest worries.

  2. Take a break for yourself but don’t give up on them! I know it’s hard but be happy you owned them and saved them from the doomed life they had before. Keep on saving them, you’re doing an amazing thing! 💕🫂

  3. Hi OP. Condolences to you. I understand the pain of losing your Betta. Throughout my course of being a Betta breeder and keeper, I’ve lost close to over 2 dozens Betta and it still hurts. This is out of the close to 300s that I had bred and kept. This is for context.

    Let’s run through a few things. First is your tank set up. What kind of set up do you have? Where did you get your Bettas from? Are you feeding your Bettas anything aside from daphnia? Temperature of your water? Do you have lightings?

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