Long story short, I accidentally poisoned my fish with soap and learned a hard lesson not to clean decor with soap at all. Lost some livestock and my peppered corydoras specifically developped popeye, and they've almost fully recovered… except that they're getting black tissue around the eye. Water quality (pH at 6.8-7.0, 0/0/5ppm, temps regulsrly reaching 76-78F) has not made an impact after the popeye went down.

When the popeye first happened, they were treated with one dose of kanaplex just in case there were bacterial problems along with soap poisoning. I'd rather not overuse kanamycin on my fish but I do have praziquantel and metronidazole, would those help against that weird black tissue? Or are my poor peppers doomed to become blind as a popeye/soap poisoning side effect?

Posted by Sinxerely7420

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