I have given him salt baths for 3 days now 1-2 a day and he is not improving sadly also not eating, What can i do?


Posted by AdRadiant2613


  1. size-50L
    25 Celsius
    Parameters are all good (i’m fairly sure)
    water changes once 1,5 weeks
    Tank mates about 20 or more cherry shrimp

  2. You can try antibiotics but even with treatment there is no guarantee your fish will pull through, unfortunately. Sorry…

    Search “dropsy” on the sub to see what others have done to try and fix whatever is wrong with their fish.

  3. RefrigeratorNo3197 on

    At this stage of pineconing, dropsy is usually fatal. Especially since they won’t eat, try kanaplex. Salt baths won’t cure it

  4. BlindFollowBah on

    I would euthanize humanely with pure clove oil. It’s like general anesthesia they don’t wake up from. I’d bury him and give him a tribute. Sorry to hear and see this, but he is suffering. All the best!

  5. SwimBladderDisease on

    Sadly if it’s not being helped by a salt bath, this might be means to let him go to fish heaven.

    Eventually, if left as this, he will die. Dropsy in fish is organ failure in humans. It is painful, agonizing, unwishable on the worst enemy. And most organs do not regain function when this far damaged.

    I’m sorry.

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