it's my first time putting braided line on a baitcaster (my first baitcaster) and i wanted to know if i put the right amount of line and the right ammount of tension

Posted by TraditionalPush6744


  1. Welcome to the world of Baitcaster fishing!

    I am no pro as I just got my first bait casting combo in mid August. From what I’ve learned it looks like you did perfect—seems perfectly even/taut. Also looks like you put on the perfect amount; from what I learned you should be able to see a little of the rim of the spool (pictured). Best of luck—bit of a learning curve!

  2. LetsMakeSomeBaits on

    Looks neat and tight, it has a very very slight bump in the middle but that won’t affect much, might actually go away after a few casts and you start to retrieve wet line under tension.

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