Current stocking: scissortail rasboras, Buenos Aries tetras, a trio of cherry barbs and an African butterfly fish. Tank is in a previous post (about 40 gal long with where I have it filled)

I'll also be looking into adding a centerpiece fish- I'm leaning towards one of the smaller gouramis.

Posted by NoctuidNight


  1. The butterfly will eat anything that fits in his mouth. Their saving grace is that they usually are at the surface and look up for food. But since your pic is of him diving, he’s not gonna hesitate to dip down for a free meal. Instead of nano fish, I’d add to either the tetra or rasbora school, then go with a couple of gouramis as your centerpiece fish.

  2. You could use something for the bottom perhaps, like habrosus corydoras, rosy barbs, or dwarf chain loaches. The fish I’d be nervous about is the butterfly fish.

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