Just got this cutie 1 day ago heā€™s a male white opal I was thinking of naming him either or Amalthea like the last unicorn movie but Iā€™d love some more ideas! (And yes he has fin rot he had been in such a tiny container in petsmart for a while šŸ™ buts heā€™s already doing way better and looks better and heā€™s so active exploring so much!! )


Posted by AshamedLengthiness23


  1. AshamedLengthiness23 on

    I was thinking of also naming him quartz for some reason my message didnā€™t come out in the text ****

  2. ReputationEqual6470 on

    So prettyā¤ļøā¤ļø here are some that just came to mind: Cloud, Jon Snow, Lua (moon in Portuguese)

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