He was only 1 🙁

I am grateful for this community’s help during his mystery illness. I treated him with your suggestions and he was happy and healthy for many weeks longer than I thought he would be. When he went downhill again (he ended up with severe swim bladder, I believe), it was quick. He died resting in one of his favorite plants.

He is planted in this pot! I’m no artist, but wanted to at least capture his beautiful color. Happy that I can watch as he provides life to another living thing.

Having an empty tank is sad 🙁 I think I will take a break from bettas, but might get some shrimp and a snail for this tank. If you’re still reading and want to drop any non-betta ideas for a 5.5 gallon, go for it.

SIP Eddie boy ♥️


Posted by heavencreek

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