I recently bought a new betta for my 5.5 and after about a week I noticed this lump on her. She’s not active anymore and occasionally comes up for air but seems to swim properly for that so I don’t think it’s a swim bladder issue. Any thoughts as to what’s wrong and solutions so I can get her healthy again?


Posted by Charquavious


  1. Tank size: 5.5
    Filter: yes
    Parameters were fine last I checked, ph a little low but I think that’s bc of the aqua soil
    Tanks been around for 3 weeks now, betta only 1.
    Have done two water changes since getting her.
    Tankmates are just 4 Pygmy Cory’s
    Food: Xtreme Aquatic Foods Krill Flakes, love this brand and all my fish eat it.
    Pretty decently planted tank. I was actually going to add a carpet of Monte Carlo but I don’t wanna mess with the tank now that she’s like this.

  2. Distinct_Anteater_85 on

    looks like ich. my fish got like this and i used kanaplex went away instantly

  3. Are you talking about her tummy? Most likely just her eggs. I couldn’t see what other bump you may be referring to.

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