Hello R/Aquariums! I want to start this by saying that these are not my fish and I’m not well knowledged on fish in general, however something really needs to be done. I am staying with my folks for the next couple of days (i do not live with them) and noticed that there were 2 guppies in a mason jar on the counter. When asking my family member who I knew had a tank full of guppies why they were out I was told that something spread in the guppy tank so she cleaned it out and is now preparing to sell the tank, which selling the tank is fine to me but now these two guppies that lived past whatever illness spread in that tank are now sitting in well…. not a humane “aquarium” to say the least. They themselves also look pretty ill so I understand why they’re not being brought into another tank, however it hurts my soul to see them swimming around in that jar. I’ve been reading up on humane ways to go about this and unfortunately own no clove oil or cloves, i’ve also read that “smashing” them is the next quickest painless way but I really don’t have the heart to do that. Please help!

Posted by FederalSeaweed7789


  1. FederalSeaweed7789 on

    Also adding this after, the owner has no intention of stepping in to do anything. They are letting them die in the jar 🙁

  2. Chillingo117_ on

    Freezing is an alternative. Clove is the most ideal, following by smashing (which is narly), then freezing.

    Edit: with minimal water. Like pop it in a ziplock bag with barely enough water. Chuck in freezer and try not to think about it.

    Or just get some clove oil. It really is the cleanest way to do it

  3. As gruesome as it sounds stomping is the best method I’ve found, no time to rethink like the freezer so no unneeded suffering, I’d just suggest paper towels inside aziplock to remove the vidual

  4. Also I own many fancy guppies and endlers as well as hybrids, and as soulless as it sounds they reproduce so quick the few you’ll be removing is only improving the gene pool

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