Caught 8 brookies from 3-10" on midges, matukas and wooly buggers with ultra light spinning rod and split shot. Caught one brown about 16" but my wet hands made my phone go crazy and didnt want to keep him in my net more than necessary. I'm brand spanking new to anything with a fly. We canoe the upper au sable every year and this year I was determined to fish and, of course, follow the regs. Been fishing for bass my whole life. Man! Is it nice fooling these beautiful fish.

Posted by mattmag21


  1. Good job!

    For future reference, don’t lip trout… hold them by their bellies (and don’t squeeze… they’re not into that kinky stuff). They’re small ones and probably not as hard on them to do that, but their jaws easily dislocate. They’re a delicate fish especially compared to bass, so wouldn’t hurt reading up on trout handling.

    Regardless, keep it up – it just gets better.

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