Hello everyone.
I’ve had this betta for about 1 year and he started growing a tumor in his dorsal side about 2 months after having it. I have treated with antibiotics, salt, etc. The water parameters are excellent. However, I have posted here before and was told this is tumor, albeit benign, would just continue to grow—and it has. He still swims, eats and flares up here and there but I don’t think he is living his “best” life so-to-speak. His fins are not regrowing, even with the antibiotic treatments and saltwater baths. I just feel this tumor is taking a toll on him. He is in a 30gal tank with 4-5 indian almond leaves, heater and 5 Corydora fish. He gets fed bug-bites with the occasional bloodworms and daphnia. He just doesn’t seem to be getting better, and I would not want to prolong the inevitable.
My question is…how can I euthanize him as humane as possible? I have read online to use clove oil, but I wouldn’t even know where to get that (amazon?)
Some people recommend iced baths…and even vodka?

Please, I would really appreciate some advice.


Posted by darianel9512

1 Comment

  1. Melodic-Cream3369 on

    Clover oil is best. Although search up how to properly do it. Amazon has clove oil. Alcohol and ice is inhumane. You could manually euthanize but I don’t think you’d want to do that. Unfortunately dragonscale/metallic bettas are prone to tumors. Im sorry 🙁

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