will prob delete later lol.

this is the first one this badly hooked in a good couple months, i got it out as fast as possible and took the pic in literally 2 seconds (i alr had my phone in camera mode as i was reeling in). i went to revive it a little and it immediately shook out of my grip and swam off strong.

anyways i got flamed for taking the picture and they said the fish is 100% dead. is it? this pond is full of bass so not the end of the world but i still feel like shit about it. flame me all you want.

i get that its part of the sport, sometimes they just chomp it too quick, but i’d like to think that with a speedy release they’ll be alright. maybe im wrong. it’s different when they go bottom up/swim off slow and you kinda know it’s over but this fucker was feisty, and i’ve had a couple other gut/gill hooks swim off just fine.

this is just a rant at this point. i hate this part of fishing lol

Posted by strawberrycumrag


  1. Nah, not 100% dead.

    More probable than hooking him in the lip? Yeah.

    But not 100%. Obvs I don’t know what/how bad the damage was, but unless the blood is streaming out of him he’s still got a shot.

  2. OMGRedditBadThink on

    It’s definitely more likely to die but it’s not 100%. Some bass die simply from the shock/trauma of being caught, unfortunately. No bleeding required.

  3. Advanced_Vast1178 on

    Pouring mountain dew across the bleeding can help with clotting and improve chances for survival in cases like this

  4. Apprehensive-Pin-474 on

    I need to know, like in order to function and exist for the rest of my life…

    How does one gauge the other 99% of death for a fish? Like what does 60% dead mean? How does one ascertain if a fish is only 45% dead?

  5. Dad_fire_outdoors on

    As long as it is slot limit, and you eat fish, cook it. It’s healthier for the overall fishery. That’s why game agencies put slot limits in the first place. Taking midsized fish leaves more resources for big fish to get bigger. You get a meal, and more big fish to catch and release.

    Largies are delicious. Fish is a healthy protein, depending on cooking method. And it fresh.

  6. I do love how everyone think a fish is gonna die 100% if it’s bleeding. I had a fish lip hooked once and it knocked a vein, was bleeding quite a bit. I kept it in the net for a while and the bleeding stopped and let it go. If the bloods from the gills or stomach, different story

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