I had setup a tank and put in a single zebra danio from a previous tank I had before I realized they needed schools. A few days after I put 4 more in one of them died. I tested the water and everything was fine so I chalked it up to a problem from the fish store, went and got a replacement and now a few days later I had one die overnight and now one just died in front of me. It looked seemed like swim bladder disease to me. Attached are the two that died in the last 24 hrs, 1st pic the the most recent one, 2nd and 3rd are from overnight. Should also mention that the 3 that are still alive have been hiding between the rocks only coming out when I’ve fed them. Please help I feel terrible and want to at least try to save these 3. And I did water test again today and everything was still normal parameters.

Posted by Anon7629637

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