Please help </3 Fishkeeper newbie, my fish are lethargic and have white spots, what do I do

Posted by Sol_on_432Hz


  1. I love my fish so much, I’ve had them for two weeks now and already it looks like they’re sick as of 3 days ago. I did a 25% water change 2 days ago and they looked much better the day after but now it’s bad again. I really care about my fish but I’ve been working everytime my local aquarium shop is open, where I got the fish from. What do I do? I’ll be able to go to the shop tomorrow but im worried for these babies

  2. deadrobindownunder on

    That looks like it might be ich. I can’t say for sure, I’ve never experienced it. I also don’t know much about it, so until someone else responds see what you can find out on you tube. Sorry I can’t be more help.

  3. How long did you cycle the tank for? I would add an air stone and keep doing water changes with properly dechlorinated water and leave the light off for a few days.

  4. Hi, I second this looks like Ich(tyo), a parasitic Infection.
    Did the spots on them multiply fast or get more ?
    Do your fish Show signs like they are itching on plants/Substrate ?

    They are small parasites eating your fishes skin and live inside there slime Coat, the larvae are swimming in free water and are able to be killed by medication. This is why you need to treat for it multiple days until its fully gone.
    They will kill fish if you don’t medicate, your fish don’t look to bad yet but I think in one or two more cycles od my multiplying it might get dangerous.

    I can’t comment on the exact medications you will need as I dont know where you’re located. But they are easy enought to get as Ich is one of the most common aquarium sicknesses out there and most pet store employees will be able to help you out.

    Some temporary fixes to slow down spread is to lower the water Temperature as low as your fish tolerate, as they multiply slower in lower temp water.

    I wish you good luck and your fish a healthy recovery

  5. Those white spots are definitely not normal, might be ich or something else but nothing good. Start treating ur tank for it , test ur water parameters n raise ur temperature. They are suffering

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